Ulaş Özdemir Sextet
Ulaş Özdemir is a second-year vocal student at Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory, Jazz Department.
Founded in 2023, Headway, as a group that composes pieces in jazz and its subgenres and interprets standards, aims to...
Fırtına Kıral Trio
Fırtına Kıral is a composer, drummer and sound artist based in The Netherlands, mainly focusing on writing for acoustic settings, designing sounds for...
Ayhan Öztoplu Quartet
Ayhan Öztoplu was born in Izmir. Öztoplu, who started playing drums at the age of 8, his first concert was...
Hakan Başar Quartet
Hakan Başar, born in 2004, who was known as the “New Rising Star of International Jazz” with the enthusiastic and...
Big Rhythm Band
The Big Rhythm is a swing band founded by guitarist Slava LobaOct. It recreates the sound of small swing combos...